You've heard it all plenty of times and you've perhaps experienced it
yourself first hand if you are or if you know Africans: we are never in a rush
and we're proud of it... well, sometimes. This is usually fun when you're just
exploring the beautiful, flawed cities in Africa, but when you're running late
for school it's not even funny. As a teacher (albeit a non-experienced,
degree-less one), leading by example is important. Showing up at work late is
unacceptable. Oh, well. That's just an example...
Last Saturday saw me going hiking with the Twende Hiking Group in
Maasai lands in Arusha, Tanzania. I packed my back packing bag with everything
that I'm going to trek Kilimanjaro with (actually there's gonna be more but I
didn't have it at that time). This was supposed to give me an idea of what
climbing Kilimanjaro might be like, walking roughly 6 hours a day with a 7kg
bag on my back (or more) on a much more consistently steep ground. I arrived at
Mount Meru Hotel at exactly 8.30am and immediately bumped into another hiking enthusiast
and we walked together towards the group. His name is Jakob and he’s here on an
internship. There was also Alex, a Dutch guy who has lived in Tanzania for over
30 years, Nyuki a Tanzanian accountant who likes hiking and Leonard our guide.
Apparently people weren’t too keen on hiking in such muddy conditions.
Nyuki decided she didn’t want to drive to the site, so Alex drove us
instead. We were to pick up three more hikers on the way, but they took their
time and we had to leave them behind. So instead of setting off for 8.30am and
arriving at roughly 9am, we ended up leaving at about 9.50, arriving after 10.
We started hiking around 10.30am and the other three managed to join us around
11 or so. (No hurry in Africa...) One was a Maasai man called Rasta (because he has dreadlocks. How very
creative!), a lady called Zsuzsa, and the other lady is called Julie. It
was extremely muddy that my boots became heavy and they were absolutely covered
in mud. I had to kick the mud off my boots and they came off in huge chunks.

I observed a lot of soil erosion on the beautiful lands. At first I had
no idea what this gulley-like thing going on here was. Alex told us it has been
gradually happening over the past few years because of the rains and of course
how animals and people pulled out plants by their roots. It totally makes sense
but the damage done by the erosion is so intense that Alex believes people will
eventually build houses in those ditches because they are taking up huge
chunks of land as seen in the image below.

Plenty of times we almost fell because of the slippery ground, and the
weight of my bag wasn’t doing me any favours at all. It’s safe to say that
Kilimanjaro if going to be more physically challenging than I initially
assumed. I’m actually glad I took up hiking because Kili would have been a
shock to my system. We walked through grasslands full of tiny millipedes literally
EVERYWHERE. I squirmed each time I looked down, praying none of them would get onto
my trousers or into my boots. I was ever so careful as well, lest I slipped in
mud and fell onto those scary looking 1-inch monsters! *gulp*
After about 3 hours of hiking upwards, we finally got to the steep hills
and started the hard part. My goodness, it was so steep but all I could think
of was “Don’t drop the camera”. I could have fallen off and broken a limb but I
cared more about saving my camera! Talk about flawed priorities. Nyuki couldn’t
join us up the steep hill because she had a bad knee, and the others were well
ahead of me. I tried to catch up but they were going so fast as if they’re used
to it (which they probably are, they all looked so fit). I was on my own
climbing up with nothing to support me except the occasional shrub which I held
on to. When I finally got to the top, I was so relieved. The hill top was
covered with tiny hill top trees which are actually shorter than me! We sat
under the shade and looked out over the beautiful fields and hills below us. It
was breath-taking. We had lunch and drank plenty of water before we descended. All
in all we walked for about 4 hours, for roughly 18km. When we got back to the
service station where we’d parked Alex’s car, we had drinks and snacks in a
restaurant there, and then went back to Mount Meru Hotel. The whole hike only
cost us Tsh10,000 which is equivalent to £4 or $6.
Julie, Leonard, Nyuki, Zsuzsa, moi, Rasta behind me, and Jakob |
Monday I was joined by Kirsteen, a Future Sense employee who wanted to
experience Tanzania in order to honestly recommend it to volunteers and gap-year
students like me. We went to the Englang’eti school where I resumed lessons
with my students and she stayed in kindergarten. I was almost brought to tears
when I went to Year 5 class to collect their homework, and one of the pupils,
Violet, came up to me with a folded piece of paper:
Apparently that's me |
I was so touched, I couldn’t help smiling. As I went about the rest of
the day, I had a big smile on my face. When it was time to go home, Kirsteen
took pictures of me with the kindergarten pupils who are such adorable 2, 3 and
4 year olds. They did the Hockey Cockey and some other rhymes and it was so
cute! One of the teachers there, Anthony, took pictures of me with the year 5
and year 1 pupils with whom I’d spent the day. After school, we went into town to meet up with Samina and Robert as Kirsteen wanted to buy some fabric and get some clothes made by some local dressmakers. She chose some pretty amazing fabric and she seemed very pleased. I decided to come back some day to buy fabric to take home. One guy persuaded me to buy paintings off him and I'd initially agreed to a "reasonable price" but Samina told me I was being ripped off. In the end we settled for a lower and better price but those paintings were just amazing. Afterwards, we went to a rooftop bar and marvelled at Mt Meru which you can see from practically anywhere in Arusha! It's the second largest mountain in Tanzania at 4000 something km high, but it's more physically challenging than Kilimanjaro because it's so steep. We also saw this "house" at the top of a tall building, bu it didn't look lived-in.
Wouldn't it be lovely to live in that "house" up there?! |
Mount Meru at dusk, zoom 50X |
Tuesday after school we were supposed to go for yoga but because that night there was a full moon and we had to do meditation afterwards, we decided to check out the Cultural Heritage instead.Unfortunately, when we got there it was already closed! I was so gutted! We decided to go back into town and we chilled at a bar near Shoprite shopping centre, where we had some cider and chilled til dusk. It turned out to be a nice, chilled evening.
Regai ndiseke, zvakaoma kunge Savannah Dry... |
Wednesday after school we finally made it to the Cultural Heritage. It was absolutely beautiful and the artwork was breath-taking. We weren't allowed to take pictures of the displayed work indoors, but we could take pictures outside. I wish we were allowed though, because the work was beyond amazing! Later that evening we went out for dinner for the “leaving do” for Robert, one of the Future Sense managers who had previously volunteered in Tanzania a while back. He’d been working on a school building project for about 7 months now and it was time for him to go back home. We went to this really nice patio-style restaurant which is called Le Patio. The music was up-to-date and really relaxing, and the food was amazing. There were about 8 of us and we all had a whale of a time!
beaded elephant! looks like somebody had a lot of time on their hands... but then again, there's no hurry in Africa :) |
Maasai warrior |
Maasai woman |
awesome carving |
following day we went to Mount Meru Hotel for happy hour and I ordered a
cocktail called Pink Mpenzi (Pink Lover). It was a mixture of A-vant gin (a
Tanzanian brand), Malibu rum, guava juice, litchi juice and grenadine syrup. It
was so sweet but definitely strong. It was buy one get one free, and after the
first two glasses I was already feeling a little bit tipsy. A lady approached
me and started speaking to me in Swahili (I get this a lot, being the only brown-skinned person in the group). I just looked
at her, blank, and thankfully, Samina explained to her I did not understand
Swahili. She spoke to me in English then (why didn’t I just say I don’t
understand, you may ask, but I had secretly hoped I’d work out what she was
saying as part of my Swahili learning process. Ah, well.) She told me that she
was a promoter of A-vant gin and was offering me a t-shirt or a pen as a
freebie because I’d bought a Pink Mpenzi. I was like “Yeah, sure! A T-shirt
will do!” She handed me the only t-shirt she had left and I said “Asante (thank
you)” and she walked away. What a beautiful night, aye. Happy hour consisted of
live music and bbq (nyama choma), and I couldn’t help ordering some. It was
absolutely delicious, seasoned with some Tanzanian spices and bbq’d by a chef
who knows what he’s doing. After 2 more cocktails and when everyone had slowly
started to leave, we decided to call it a night and got a taxi back home (home
is a 5 minute walk away but it’s never advised to walk home in the dark after 4
cocktails or even none at all.) As I stumbled out of the taxi, I dropped my beautiful white T-shirt in a muddy puddle! *face-palm* Had to quickly dip it in water and "hand-wash" it before the mud dried on it.

Yesterday, before we said goodbye to Robert and Kirsteen, we went to see
another school where some volunteers usually go, which is in the most rural of all
places. First we had lunch at a local restaurant in town before taking two more dala-dalas to Lengijave where the Olbak school is located. It was raining cats
and dogs and the roads were awfully muddy but we made it. We were running out
of time, but we didn’t want to be rude by rushing the teacher who was showing
us around. On our way down we were faced by the biggest challenge of all, a
muddy hill type of thing. It was easier when we were going up, but getting down was a bit of Kilimanjaro! There were deep ditches that looked like mini valleys
and there was absolutely no way we could have gone back apart from the way we
came. I nearly fell and Kirsteen found it so amusing she just had to take a
it was such a nerve-wrecking experience! Mud-slides are fun when you're kids |
We raced against time to make it back home in time before Robert went to the
airport as Dani, the co-ordinator who had accompanied us to Olbak, had to say
goodbye to his long-time friend. We managed to get Robert late by half an hour,
but it was all well. I could tell it was going to be emotional as they had all
spent the past 7 months living and working together pretty much every single day. I thanked Robert
for teaching me to play “Cigarettes and Alcohol” on his guitar (which he left
behind for the volunteers to use, how nice of him), and they set off for the airport.
Soon after, Kirsteen also left for the airport with loads of stories to tell, I
bet! The house felt very empty but Mama Sweet (our housekeeper) was around and
we had conversation in broken Swahili, but thank God for the brains that created Google Translate! Dani also came, but there was a power cut
and it was raining again so I went to bed at 7.30pm!
This morning, I woke up and it was still raining, there was another
power cut and so I went back to sleep because hiking was out of the question.
When I finally woke up, I undid my hair and sat with a jar of Nutella, watching
The Wolf of Wall Street on DVD on my laptop. Officially a chilled Easter
Saturday! Hope you’re all enjoying Easter! ‘Til next week, ciao