Tuesday, 10 June 2014

Hakuna matata - week 5 in Tanzania, 1 week 'til the climb

"Hakuna Matata; what a wonderful phrase. 
 Hakuna Matata; It ain't no passing craze. 
 It means no worries, for the rest of your days. 
 Its our problem free, philosophy,

This week has been awesome! School holidays are over so Monday morning I woke up bright and early and got ready for school. I was running late so instead of walking for twenty minutes to the school, I got onto a piki-piki (motorbike). I made it to school fifteen minutes early, which was a first! I was with the kindergarten class today, although we call it 'baby class. They're little boys and girls ranging from 2-5. Today they were in uniform and it was so cute seeing them with their miniature ties on, tiny school shoes and tiny jumpers. First, I observed as their teacher taught them, then I called them one by one to read the alphabet. Many of them could go up to f, then start to stutter, but a few couldn't make it past B, bless them. Afterwards, I tried to teach them a new rhyme, but they were all so excitable it was pretty much impossible! On Tuesday I spent the day with the nursery class (4-6 year olds) but they were more serious than the baby-class; too serious in fact. When I introduced fun activities they all responded so well and seemed to love spending time doing something stimulating  to their fun side rather than sit in class all day reading and writing. On Wednesday, I informed the class 5 students that I have a short play for them to learn and perform. I did some colouring with class 3, wall painting with baby class and bubbles with class 5! They really had the time of their lives.

 Thursday was May Day, so school was out. Amanda, Theo, Jordan and I went to Maji Moto (hot springs) in a place called Bomang'ombe, near Moshi. We were going to swim there for the day. Town was packed with people doing processions, celebrating May Day, so Jordan advised us to hold on to our belongings as it was too crowded. We took a bus going towards Moshi, with a few street vendors trying to sell us radios and other things we definitely did not need. When we got to Bomang'ombe, we took a bajaji (mini 3-wheeled vehicle) to Maji Moto. It was half an hour's drive away in a very remote area. 

The "pool" itself was breath-taking! The water was so clean and clear that it looked blue! Tiny fishes swam away in there too, tickling us along the way. The water was too deep for me so I stayed near the roots of a massive tree ont he edge to hold on to them. There was a swing and I attempted it, swung into the water and fell before I was ready. I started to panic and so I was drowning! I tried to scream for help but the moment I opened my mouth, water rushed in! Suddenly I felt hands on me, these three Dutch girls came to my rescue. IT was an embarrassing ordeal! After that, I stayed away from the water, for obvious reasons! I met a lady and she had this accent that seemed all too familiar, so I asked her where she's from and she's Zimbabwean! The first Zimbabwean I've met on my trip so far! 

Friday at school, I introduced the play and we started rehearsals. The kids were so excited about it and so was I. I was worried though about whether we can pull it off in a week or not, since next week would be my last week at the school. But after that one session, I was quite impressed with how quick they learn things. 

Friday night we went out for meal at this Indian restaurant with Samina, Dani, Amanda and Theo. The place was quite nice and we were the only people there at first, then a large group of tourists came later to join us. Theo was entertaining us with his multi-accent talents, which included doing the Smeagol voice. It was rather stupendous! Saturday I started making props for the play with Theo, and we were very excited and pleased with our progress. We were both hoping the play would go well! It was a great week!


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